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21 things I learned in 2021

This new year I sat down with my thoughts and a pen and paper and reflected on the past year. I wrote down all my goals for 2022, my ideas, my manifestations and all the ways and reasons I haven't been able to achieve them yet. It is a scary truth to dive into, asking yourself how you could have been better. But in doing this, I learned to forgive myself, let go, learned new ways of doing things and put myself back on track.

Here is a list (in no particular order) of the raw and unfiltered things I learned this past year.

  1. you don't have to tell people your plans. Just do them, they will see when you're done.

  2. 'organic' or 'low calorie' does not always mean 'healthy'.

  3. never be so kind that you forget your worth. never be so focused on yourself that you forget to be kind.

  4. money comes and goes.

  5. consistency really is the key.

  6. the idea of 'healthy' comes in so many ways, shapes, sizes, colors and in different levels of discipline.

  7. if you romanticize the little thins in your daily routine you will find more joy in the mundane days.

  8. if you shift your energy to focus on attracting positive things, you will in-fact attract positive things.

  9. the way you dress is a silent form of expressing who YOU are. dress for you, not for a boy. not for the appeasement of others and not for the sake of following a trend.

  10. give credit, take blame.

  11. just load the damn dishwasher every night so you wake up to a clean kitchen.

  12. if you think someone looks nice, tell them, even if you don't know them. you don't know the impact it could have.

  13. water.

  14. saying no does not make you a bitch.

  15. if you lay out your workout clothes the night before it makes for a much simpler morning.

  16. your job doesn't actually care about you on a personal and raw level. so stop caring on a personal level about your job.

  17. obtaining a healthy lifestyle really isn't that expensive once you think about how expensive a lifestyle that is controlled by a sickness is.

  18. put things back in their places- your space is a reflection of you.

  19. what people think of you is actually none of your concern.

  20. you belong in the weight room just as much as the boys do. and yes, you look better when you go in there in a cute workout set.

  21. coffee shops = more productive work days.


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