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This brand has so many puzzle pieces. It is a blog, a lifestyle guide, an advocate for Women's health, a homemaker's magazine, a vintage store in the making and a place of encouragement. This brand was designed around the elements and pieces of who I am:

the blog: the art of stringing words together to rant, offer advice, provide tips & tricks and tell my story in effort to uncover the struggles beneath navigating through my mid 20's. All things health, fitness, menstrual health, lifestyle, fashion and more.

the lifestyle guide and homemaker magazine: the lover of all things homemaking. I enjoy cooking and keeping a clean house. I have found a way to romanticize the little things that are found in everyday life and I enjoy sharing them to make your life easy, authentic and always aesthetic. 

the vintage store: Vintage Bloom is the in-person vintage store. 
Vintage Bloom is: 
Soft and romantic. Floral dresses, tiny ceramic treasures, cozy sweaters, vintage books and thrifted home decor finds to fill the cottage core lover in us all.  That first sip of your coffee on a morning with nothing planned. The excitement you feel the night before you leave for a trip. Where old meets new. Where simplicity is the staple. Where graphic tees and feminine hair scarves collaborate to rule the world. The balance between elevated and collected. 
Vintage Bloom is designed by the little lifestyle intended to give you a space for inspiration, a place of comfort, and a serendipitous moment to remind you to slow down and stop to smell the wildflowers.

*You can read more about vintage bloom and the concept in the last blog post "Introducing Vintage Bloom."**

a place of encouragement:  I read a quote once that said "be the person you needed when you were younger" and that quote has always stuck with me. I choose to share my successes and failures. I want to motivate others and provide a safe space for support and positivity because frankly, the world doesn't have enough. 

This brand is my story. These are collections of all that I am and all I hope to be. the little lifestyle is just that, a little glimpse into this little lifestyle. that is mine. 


A bit about the logo

This symbol is the Viking symbol that means " Create your own reality" I have always loved the meaning behind this little symbol. Creating the life you desire no matter what obstacles come along the way is a value I think everyone should hold dear. I want this blog to act as a stepping stone in you creating the reality and life you envision for yourself. This symbol seemed so fitting for the blog and I hope it brings some inspiration and light into your life as it has mine. 


I’ve always had an adoration for wildflowers. The way they look, the colors they are painted with, the small moment of peace they bring when sitting upright in a vase staring back at you as you frantically run around your kitchen to leave the house on time. Flowers bloom where they are planted, never forgetting their roots but always reaching for more. They don’t dream and beg for the bee, they bloom and the bee comes. They attract, they breathe inspiration, they don’t ask for permission to grow bigger, they are untamed and always reaching. A wildflower seemed fitting.

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